Tidbits and Fun Facts

By know I am sure you are wondering if I really wrote this.  And if I did, I must not be “that” dyslexic. Believe it or not, I am writing this all by myself. However, by the time I am done, I would have completed 4-5 drafts. What works best for me is that I write and write. Then stop. And come back to it later. This gives my brain a chance to unwind, because if I did all the proof reading at the same time I was writing, I would not pick up the grammatical errors; like mixing up tenses and using words like ‘want’ when I meant to use ‘what.’ In addition, I always start proof reading from the last sentence of the paper and work my way up, seeing the grammatical errors more easily.

Other misconceptions and tidbits about me and dyslexia!
    ·         Can you read? Yes I can read! I might have been a late bloomer, but I can read.

    ·         Do you see things backwards? No, I have never seen things backwards! Sometimes I think it would be cool if I could. What happens is I scrambles the letters in a word or words in a sentence. You may not be able to make sense of what I am writing if you were to look at it, but I sure do. It’s like I have my own secret code. If I was to read and you followed what I was reading, you would easily see that I often rearrange the order of the words. I am still saying the same thing, it’s just in “Colleen’s” order.

    ·         You may also find it interesting that I always start my papers in the middle. Why? Because it helps me start.  If I were to start in the beginning, I would have written maybe four sentences and have wasted three hours. I just can’t do it, so I start in the middle.